San Diego Comic-con, one of the biggest comic conventions in the world, is fast approaching. With hundreds of thousands expected to attend, there are often a lot of exclusive TMNT toys and goodies to be had. As a matter of fact, we discussed one of these items in last week’s Turtle Bits article – Factory Entertainment’s Sai Replicas signed by Kevin Eastman himself. Of course, this isn’t the only TMNT exclusive you can come to expect from SDCC this year, so let’s take a look at a few others!
Loyal Subjects Stealth Edition TMNT Vinyls
Offering perhaps the most unique design for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys on the market, The Loyal Subjects are going to be releasing a limited print run of their TMNT vinyl figures in black. Our heroes in a half shell often disappear into a cloud of smoke, and it would appear that these Stealth Edition vinyls attempt to give us a physical representation of that moment. Needless to say, this is a pretty cool design, and it is a limited edition that you will only find at SDCC.
Loyal Subjects Battle Tested TMNT Vinyls
As if one limited edition variant wasn’t enough, The Loyal Subjects will also be releasing these classic Battle Tested TMNT vinyl variants as a San Diego Comic-con exclusive. This time around, the turtles are depicted in black and white with red bandanas, just like they were in the original comic books. In addition, each figure also has scars and scratches all over them, making for a pretty awesome set of TMNT toys. This particular set will be extremely limited with a print run of only 500, so you’ll want to make sure that you show up early for this SDCC exclusive.
Diamond Select Classic TMNT Minimates
If you’re looking for even more classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collectibles, Diamond Select is going to be offering a limited edition set of black and white TMNT Minimates. Unlike other Ninja Turtles comic book variants, these will not feature red bandanas, instead opting for a truly old school feel with totally monochrome coloring. Each Minimate is designed to look more like the original characters from the comic book, with more rounded facial features and white slits for eyes. Unlike other exclusives, these may actually be available at other retailers as well.
More to Come?
These are some of the bigger exclusive items you can come to expect at San Diego Comic-con this year, but we have yet to see what Playmates and other companies will be doing with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles license this year. Chances are that we will see more exclusives either announced or simply unveiled at SDCC in a few short weeks.
Keep your eyes peeled on our site and across the web for more limited edition TMNT goodies, and let us know in the comments below if you discover anything else that the fans should know about. As always, we’d also love to hear what you think of these exclusives and whether or not you’re going to be picking them up. Let’s hope this year’s San Diego Comic-con has a lot left to give to all the shellheads out there!
Just as we thought, Playmates has finally announced that they will have a SDCC Exclusive this year. Unfortunately, we still don’t know exactly what it is, but they have at least offered a teaser to get us enticed. In a picture they posted to their Facebook page, Playmates revealed a blank box that simply says “2015 Comic Con Exclusive.”
The only other hint we can see from this image is the logo, which suggests that the item will be related to Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. For fans of the series, this is no doubt going to be good news. Sadly, we can only guess at what this SDCC exclusive will be. What do you think it is? Whatever the case may contain, we’ll try to keep you updated if any other information comes out before the convention.
1 comment
With the success of Jurassic Park,hopefully viacom will stop giving Triceratons the sh*t end of the stick
They were only in the 3 issue mini-series Utrom Empire since the sale
I read all the Triceraton stories after seeing Jurassic World,and even found out they PRE-DATE THE TURTLES BY A YEAR,having started off as Fugitoid villains back when he was their big idea
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