After the success of their 90’s TMNT movie figures, it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that NECA has decided to continue working with this property. Having said that, it might surprise some shellheads that they’ve decided to start making prop replicas from the film. This won’t be the first time the company has made a prop replica, but I’m sure the fans will appreciate these collectibles nonetheless.

As you can see, this full-sized Casey Jones Mask includes straps so that you can actually wear it. Image Source:
If you’re like me, right about now you’re wishing that the mask was available before Halloween. There have been many imitators, but few companies have managed to accurately recreate the hockey mask used by Casey Jones. This incredible 90’s TMNT movie prop replica is the closest approximation of the actual mask that I have ever seen. Similar masks currently on the market are sold for between $10-$50 on average, so $29.99 for a film accurate mask is an incredible deal.
The TCRI Mutagen Canister is also very nice, and it actually glows green when you press a button. This added feature is likely one of the main reasons that the prop replica is going for a slightly higher price. The canister is 13″ long, so it’ll probably look very nice and stand out among your collection. We don’t yet know if NECA has any plans for future 90’s TMNT movie prop replicas, but something tells me they’ll definitely consider it if these items sell well.