Home NewsMovie News Out of the Shadows Disc Sales Top Captain America: Civil War

Out of the Shadows Disc Sales Top Captain America: Civil War

by Justin W
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are enjoying a bit of redemption as disc sales for Out of the Shadows have proven quite excellent. Image Source: Paramount Pictures.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows may have flopped at the box office earlier this year, but its release on home video has been an entirely different story. According to the Nielsen VideoScan sales charts, this sequel to 2014’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was the hottest selling disc during the week of September 20th. Considering the amount of competition this release had, these results are pretty significant. Two popular Disney movies were released in the same time frame, but even Captain America wasn’t popular enough to keep the turtles from claiming the top spot when it came to disc sales last week.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows topped disc sales during its week of release. Image Source: Paramount Pictures.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows topped disc sales during its week of release. Image Source: Paramount Pictures.

On September 13th, Disney released their hit film Captain America: Civil War on Blu-ray and DVD. Usually a release this big is popular enough to outsell its competition in the market for weeks to come, but it fell to #2 on the list when Out of the Shadows was released a week later. In addition, Disney’s 25th Anniversary Edition of Beauty and the Beast was released on the same day as the new TMNT movie, but it wasn’t popular enough to keep the turtles from owning their first week on the home video market. Beauty and the Beast did claim top honors for Blu-ray sales, but in terms of overall disc sales, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows trumped all of its competition.

If you’re a fan of Paramount’s work with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this is very good news. Although they have yet to announce any plans for a third film, home video sales this good can sometimes save an entire franchise. Depending on exactly how much money the movie made in overall disc sales, it is entirely possible that Paramount could decide to move forward with a third TMNT film. Although Out of the Shadows wasn’t a big earner in theaters, it did manage to pull in enough money to pay for the film’s budget and at least some of the film’s advertising/distribution costs. If the movie continues to do well on home video, there is a possibility that the studios behind it could eventually start to turn a profit.

The sooner this movie begins turning a profit, the more likely we will be to see a sequel. Getting a start like this is definitely a good sign, and fans should remain hopeful that we may in fact see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 in the near future.

Did you purchase Out of the Shadows on Blu-ray or DVD? Are you hopeful that the film’s success in the home video market will convince Paramount to move forward with a third film in the franchise? Let us know your thoughts either in the comments section or via facebook/twitter.

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Totaldrama Icequeen September 28, 2016 - 9:14 pm


NUMBER ONE TMNT FAN September 28, 2016 - 9:40 pm

YAAAAAAY!!! OMG YEEEEEESSS! THANK YOU TRUE TMNT FANS WHO BOUGHT THIS! Now come on Paramount, just give us the good news, give us the greenlight, come on pleeeeease. TURTLE POWAAAAHHH!!!! Also did anyone else see it in the theater, and then watch it on blu-ray, and find it even better than you remember it? ‘Cuz that’s what happened to me! lol!

Elisa September 29, 2016 - 9:14 am

I got to watch it with my 6 year old this time (she thought Krang would be scary on the big screen) and she loved it. We’ve already watched it a few times! It’s nice that I can look at the details more closely watching it at home. I still hope for improved writing if we see a third one. The mini arcs for each brother were great but the overall story could use some work! And Casey. I want the vigilante. XD

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