Home ReviewsComic Books FINAL ISSUE REVIEW: Batman/ TMNT III #6


by Chris M. P.

Batman/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Issue 6

Story by James Tynion IV Art by Freddie Williams and Kevin Eastman

Published by DC w/ IDW 

Released October 2nd, 2019

Is this the end of the multiverse?! 

Krang has steered his Ultra-technodrome into the skies above the new Earth he sought to conquer and rebuild in his own image. He thought the heroes of the worlds he’d conquered were down for the count, but now he faces two sets of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, two Batmen and a whole host of angry heroes looking to save their worlds once and for all. If Krang can’t own the Multiverse, then he will destroy it!

Batmen. Robins. Ninja Turtles in color. Ninja Turtles in black and white. Casey Jones fighting back to back with The Shredder. It’s almost hard to believe that this is what we’re getting albeit this is the third Batman/TMNT crossover. But we’ve made it to the final issue of what might be the last time we see The Dark Knight and our Heroes in a Halfshell. We conclude with a fun ride that was certainly worth the time and dimes for comic readers worldwide. 

Trilogies are tough and the 3rd outing of Batman/TMNT has proven to break that “curse” that we see in so much pop culture and media. We’re thrown into the middle of a war in Issue 6 and not only do we have to get our actions worth, but also provide a thrilling and somber conclusion to these legendary characters. Tynion’s writing is peak throughout this series as he proves that he is respectful and caring for both the world of the Caped Crusader and our Ninja Turtles. He truly makes every speech bubble count and says a lot with much less. I shot though this entire series due to its brisk pace and interesting turns as both a Batman and TMNT fan. Freddie Williams artwork always looks fantastic, with Issue 6 in particular being purely chaotic at times. Yet we stay focused page-to-page because this series gushes such great writing and beautiful artwork. 

And though the conclusion felt somewhat predictable, the ride to get there is what made this such a fun ride through the fandom of these two universes. 

Series Conclusion: Batman/TMNT 3 proved to be a fun and wild outing for both beloved franchises. Tynion’s writing never dipped throughout the six issue series as we were provided with enough action and reflection to give this adventure some weight and stakes. I look forward to his run on Batman since he seems to really get the character. Williams artwork proves to be “poster worthy” with tons of gorgeous detail and linework yet never looks too busy in splash pages or crowded panels. If you’re a fan of the previous Batman/TMNT adventures or simply dug the new animated film that hit shelves, I truly recommend this third six issue series. I’d say pick up the trade paperback, order a stack of pizzas, and stay in for the night. You won’t regret it, dudes! 

Batman/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Issue 6 is now available wherever comics are sold! 

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