Another month has passed, which means it’s time for yet another TMNT Box review! I can’t say this is the most impressive box yet, but it definitely wasn’t a disappointment. Although past packages have been far more interesting, some of the items included this time around were still pretty cool. If there is a theme, it appears to focus on both our heroes in a half shell and their enemies. Whatever the case may be, let’s take a closer look at everything that was included in this subscription box!
Stylish TMNT Shirt
The TMNT Box usually includes a TMNT t-shirt of some kind, but I have to say that this might be one of my favorites. The design reminds me of the types of shirts that kids wore in the mid 90’s, with colorful stripes and a bit of an edge. Each stripe features one of the turtles, and they are appropriately represented. Although Leo and Raph are somewhat similar, you’ll note that Donnie is sporting a pair of goggles and Mikey is wearing sunglasses. If you ask me, this shirt made the entire package worthwhile.
Bebop and Rocksteady Stickers
Although I can confirm that these are high quality stickers, they are essentially the kind of item you could get from a vending machine. Both items are very soft and look quite nice, but they aren’t necessarily anything special. To be fair, the design of each sticker is pretty decent, and I’m sure that younger TMNT fans will love them. Unfortunately, even if these items are unique and only offered in the TMNT Box, they’re not exactly what I would describe as “valuable.” This would have been a nice addition to the package if there were something besides a t-shirt and a button to go along with it, but as the second notable item in the box, it’s somewhat forgettable.
Shredder Button
While past boxes have included high quality hand crafted pins, this TMNT Box features a rather plain and unimpressive button of Shredder from the 2k3 series. If there were some kind of background to go with the button, it might have been an interesting addition; instead, they chose to give us a bland and uninteresting picture of the villain with absolutely nothing to make him stand out. I can understand if they didn’t have enough money to add anything else to the package, but they could have at least chosen a different image for this item.
Final Thoughts
Despite a few unimpressive components, this TMNT Box was still pretty decent. I can honestly say that I would have paid at least $15 for the shirt alone, and everything else was worth at least $3-$5 more. That puts the value of this subscription box at around $20, which is still far more than the $10 monthly fee. Having said that, I really hope that this is the rare case where some of the items included were fairly unremarkable. From what I have heard, they have a lot of great things planned for the future, so I won’t judge them too harshly for this month’s box. Here’s hoping August brings something a little more interesting!