Home Blog TMNT Holiday Shopping Guide 2015

TMNT Holiday Shopping Guide 2015

by Justin W

Are you trying to find a gift for the Ninja Turtles fan who has everything? Although it can be difficult sometimes, there has been a lot of new TMNT merchandise hitting the market in the past few months, so you might be able to find something special for your loved ones after all! With that in mind, here are a few items that would make excellent gifts for any fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Revenge DVD

If you have friends or family who love Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, why not get them the latest episodes on DVD? This set includes a total of twelve episodes comprising the last half of season 3.

Each episode comes with a special behind the scenes featurette, adding a little more value to the DVD set. Whether you know a fan who is collecting these TMNT DVD sets or they have yet to check out the latest episodes, this is a great gift idea for quite a few shellheads.


Metal Mutants Turtles + Fugitoid 5 Pack

In the fourth season of Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the gang have gone on an adventure in space with their newfound friend Fugitoid. Although you can now get a basic Fugitoid action figure just about anywhere, it might be a little more difficult to find this limited edition 5-pack which includes a metallic paint job. If you know a collector who wants everything Ninja Turtles in their collection, they’ll definitely need this set!


Casey Jones’ Slamboni

Although it may seem like there’s a Playmates toy for every character in the franchise, fans have actually been clamoring for a Casey Jones figure without facepaint for years now. Thankfully, Playmates finally answered the call with their Slamboni set, which includes both a traditional Casey figure and a Zamboni vehicle for him to ride. The vehicle is cool enough on its own, but if you want a regular Casey Jones toy, this is currently the only way to get one. Not only is this an excellent gift for toy collectors, it’s also a great gift for fans of Nickelodeon’s TMNT!



Leonardo 24” Play Set


What’s better than a life sized Leonardo toy? A life sized Leonardo play set! This 24” Leonardo action figure actually unfolds into one of the coolest play sets any Ninja Turtles fan has ever seen.

If you know a young TMNT fan who could use an awesome TMNT play set for their Playmates toys, this one will definitely be a hit. There’s even a portal to Dimension X in this awesome Leonardo play set!

Crank their shellraising action up to 11 with one of the hottiest TMNT toys of the year.



Cowabunga Christmas DVD

If Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series isn’t their cup of tea, perhaps you should get them something a little more retro. Thankfully, Nickelodeon recently re-released this elusive 4Kids TMNT DVD set right before the holidays.

Featuring a few select episodes from the 2k3 TMNT series, this Cowabunga Christmas DVD also includes one Christmas themed episode of the show. Fans of the 4Kids TMNT series will definitely appreciate this gift!


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Beanie



If all else fails, you can’t go wrong with an awesome TMNT beanie!

This particular Ninja Turtles beanie features the designs from the character select screen of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game. Talk about an awesome retro gift for long time fans of the classic TMNT game!

Help your loved ones keep warm as they show off a little love for their favorite heroes in a half shell with this radical Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beanie.


Cowabunga and Happy Holidays!

We hope that this guide has at least given you a few potential gift ideas for the TMNT fans in your life. For more ideas, check out our website for some of the new TMNT merchandise that has been hitting store shelves during the past few months. Alternatively, you can always get them a TMNT Box! However you choose to celebrate the holidays, we hope that your seasonal festivities will be totally radical!

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