Home Blog Turtley Awesome Videos: Out of the Shadows Revised

Turtley Awesome Videos: Out of the Shadows Revised

by Justin W
Check out what Out of the Shadows would have looked like as an 8-bit video game along with even more turtley awesome videos. Image Source: Cinefix.

As the release date for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Blu-ray and DVD grows nearer, quite a few popular Youtube channels are releasing content related to the film. Some of these videos go so far as to revise how the movie ended, while others simply show us how the movie would look if it were an 8-bit game. One of the videos even features the vocal talent of everyone’s favorite turtles fan, Andre Meadows (Black Nerd Comedy). Whether you liked the movie or not, chances are that you’ll find something to enjoy about this selection of turtley awesome videos!

How Out of the Shadows Should Have Ended

Before you click on the video above, please understand that there are some suggestive adult themes. If you’re not already familiar with this channel, How It Should Have Ended creates videos that provide a different take on typically controversial films. It’s difficult to get more controversial than this latest series of TMNT movies, so of course HISHE decided to make their own ending for Out of the Shadows. Whether you liked this sequel or not, the commentary inherent in this vid is sure to elicit a chuckle.

After all, isn’t it a little hypocritical that we don’t get to see much violence in these movies, but there are sexual themes liberally spread throughout? If the goal is to avoid warping young minds, the approach that Paramount and Platinum Dunes have taken in the past few years is far from perfect. This video takes hilarious aim at the filmmakers and questions the methods we currently use to handle censorship in our society. Do yourself a favor and check out how Out of the Shadows should have ended. Oh, and keep your ears open for a familiar voice!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows – 8-Bit Cinema

Do you long for the days of classic 8-bit TMNT video games? Well, I certainly do! Of course, I don’t know if I’d want Konami handling the franchise in their current state, but it would be nice to see some retro turtle action on modern consoles. Thankfully, the Cinefix channel feels the same way about retro gaming, and they often combine the best graphics of yesteryear with modern films in order to give us a taste of what a movie tie-in would look like.

This may be a bit of a harsh statement, but there’s something about their take on Out of the Shadows that I find infinitely more appealing than what we got from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan! If you enjoyed this summer’s movie a bit more than the game, this video will definitely hit all the right notes.

Talking Action Movies With Donatello

If all of these animated videos aren’t really your style, perhaps you should check out the interview that Cinefix had with Jeremy Howard! For those who are not aware, Howard portrayed the character of Donatello in both the 2014 film and Out of the Shadows. During this interview, he talks with two film buffs about his favorite action movies and how the film industry has changed since the age of the blockbuster. This discussion was actually a lot more interesting and informative than you might expect.

When Howard explains that a Spielberg movie like Jaws wouldn’t have the same staying power today as it did back in the 70’s, he reveals how the idea of a blockbuster film has been significantly altered since then. A lot of people think we’re still living in an era of blockbuster films, but the reality is that most films – even the big money makers – typically don’t bust the blocks for as long as they used to. If you want to hear more on this, make sure to check out the video!

Were these videos both interesting and entertaining? Which video did you enjoy the most? Do you have turtley awesome videos that you want to share with us? Let us know your thoughts and opinions either in the comments section below or on facebook and twitter!

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