Well, if this doesn’t count as an announcement of the game, I don’t know what does. Mere hours after unveiling the new website attached to the game, and before the timer on the site even reached zero, Platinum Games released the trailer for Mutants in Manhattan on Youtube. I guess when the whole world knows you’re up to something and the cat’s out of the bag, you’ve got to work fast to maintain the hype attached to your project. Now that we’ve seen an official trailer for the game, let’s talk about a few of the more important details on display.
First of all, let’s get the design out of the way. Yes, this game features the same kind of cel shaded graphics that were used to create Transformers: Devastation and have become a popular choice for games like Borderlands. Although some people do not like this graphical style, it has worked quite well for several different video game franchises and in this case, it could serve to accentuate the graphic novel origins of the franchise. There may still be fans who do not want to see this kind of presentation from a TMNT game, but somehow I doubt they will be in the majority.
In addition to this aspect, we can also see that the turtles will be joined by a lot of enemies, many of whom have never been in another TMNT video game before. This has the potential to attract a lot of fans who are familiar with the franchise and want to see some of their favorite characters represented in a digital format. Oh, and did I mention that unlike other Ninja Turtles games, it would appear that Mutants in Manhattan actually has a deep and engrossing story? Okay, so maybe the arcade games had a paper thin plot, but nothing on the scale of a fully planned out Triple-A title such as this.
Suffice it to say that I, like many TMNT fans right now, am absolutely psyched about this game. Thankfully, as the trailer says, we won’t have much longer to wait, since the game is slated for release this summer. They probably want to release the title as close to the new movie as possible, so we might even see it as early as June. Mutants in Manhattan will be a multiplatform title available on both Xbox and Playstation consoles.
Are you excited for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan? What was your favorite part of this trailer? Let us know in the comments below!
That moment when Raphael realizes Rocksteady in the train is amazing. Rocksteady bashes through the train with brute force. Top 5 video game of 2016?
yes its showing that its going to have an involved story just like devastation. for me its the number one game of 2016, but you know, the whole world isn’t made up of turtle fans. lets hope it makes the top 5 though. that would be a great achievement
Hey number one we haven’t conversed in a while. I know right, some pretty cool things are happening regarding the tmnt
yeah there sure are. the new movie, the new video game, and now the new board game!
I was wondering if maybe you knew when I could expect my January Tmnt Box to arrive? im typing this on January 27th and it hasn’t arrived
I love that it’s based on the IDW designs.
yes I agree. its a creative risk but I greatly appreciate it.
YES!!!! ITS ON 360!!!! OMG I AM SOOOOO PSYCHED FOR THIS!!!! anybody have an idea how much it will cost? I mean im willing to pay whatever they want but I just want to plan ahead
hmm…I get the feeling that teenage mutant ninja turtles and their franchise bare a lot of resemblance to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory.
the tmnt fans are like the kids competing for a golden ticket, it’s sort of phenomenal and I don’t know why…
(lol of cores I shouldn’t say that…I know why…)
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