Home Blog Showcase: Art by Matt Kaufenberg

Showcase: Art by Matt Kaufenberg

by Zach Gasior

We encounter some wonderful art on the internet from Ninja Turtles fans. Sometimes an artists vision can warm up our hearts w/ a simple twist. Artist Matt Kaufenbeg took an imaginative fun design and created some sweet TMNT designs. Kaufenberg even brightened up the villains with his own artistic twist. Below is a few words from the artist…


“I am a freelance illustrated hailing from Minnesota. Growing up in the 80’s, I’ve always been a huge TMNT fan. Although I love the cartoon, it’s the aesthetics of the toy line that really inspire me. Instead of sticking to the simplistic designs of the cartoon, the designers of the toys added all kinds of fun extra details that spurred the imagination.

As an illustrator, I try and apply that kind of attention to detail to my own work, especially when it comes to character design. It makes the drawing process much more enjoyable and adds excitement to the final piece.”


Check out these sweet designs and tell us what you think.


Turtle Power

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TMNTLover4Life January 28, 2015 - 1:48 am

oh my gurgle!!!! They’re all so cute. Truly the work of a great artist

tvmoviestuff January 28, 2015 - 10:36 am

Totally agree ^^^

Billy Bob Throrton February 1, 2015 - 11:19 pm

what don’t you like?
Not since Nintendo Power has something been so mindlessly optimistic, at least they had a financial stake in the products they were selling

Billy Bob Throrton February 1, 2015 - 11:15 pm

He uses someone else’s idea to get attention but draws them in a style we’ve all seen before so there’s nothing memorable about it?

honestly,i hate fan art like this.
Because of the internet somebody has to do every character in every style imaginable?

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