Home ReviewsComic Books COMIC REVIEW: Jennika #2

COMIC REVIEW: Jennika #2

by Chris M. P.

TMNT: Jennika #2

  • Story by Brahm Revel and Ronda Pattinson     
  • Art by Brahm Revel and Jodi Nishijima
  • Published by IDW 
  • Released March 25th, 2020

Jennika journeys deeper into the NYC underworld in search of a dangerous procedure to reverse mutation. Will Jennika be tempted by the call of her old life, and how far will she go to save those who gave up on her long ago?

Although I love the character, the first issue of Jennika’s 3 part series wasn’t anything too special. And with such a limited series, I was hoping issue 2 would turn it around real quick. And while it was a solid issue with a focused story, I guess I was under the wrong impression that this series would delve into Jennika’s past. Yet here we are with one more issue to go and we don’t know too much more than we already did.  

 Jennika #2 finds Jennika getting word from an old friend, Sy, that Old Hobb has a cure to the sudden mutation. With her “ninja” help they can get the cure moving faster on the streets in hopes of a brighter future. Jenny ends up getting pulled into a fetch-quest concerning Sy’s shady past…and while she’s reluctant to help..the tease of this “cure” strings her along. Glimpses of Jenny’s criminal past are just that…glimpses. We learn a little bit through the dialog of our current mutated cast…but overall…Jennika’s past is still sort of dark. 

I understand sometimes less is more when it comes to character. But since we’ve been teased quite a bit with Jenny’s past, I’d love if this series delved into it more. I’m not saying I want an entire history of this character, but less focus on where Jenny is now and more of where Jenny was then. It’s only three issues after all, just enough for us to get a taste of the woman before the mutation. That being said, the story that’s currently unfolding isn’t bad by any means. I just feel it’s standard. 

And with a “new” character to be showcased as often as she is in TMNT stories, I expected something a little deeper than what we’re currently into. Jennika #2 has passable artwork and a decent story. I understand it’s unfair to critique something on what I think it should be rather than what it is…but here we are. 

If you love Jennika and want to read up as much as you can on her as a completist, by all means, issue 2 provides a solid Jennika adventure. But if you’re a TMNT fan that wants to read a story essential to the character…I can’t say I recommend it as of now. Will the final Issue change that? We’ll find out soon enough. 

TMNT: Jennika #2 is available wherever comics are sold! 


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