Home News 101 Cheese Pizza Becomes Potential World Record Reality

101 Cheese Pizza Becomes Potential World Record Reality

by Justin W
Anyone want a slice of this 101 cheese pizza? Image Source: Paramount Pictures.

Whether you enjoyed the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies or not, you have to admit that they have contributed a few interesting concepts to the franchise. In particular, the 2014 film introduced a mythical 99 cheese pizza which some fans have since become enamored with re-creating. Thanks to the inspiration from this film, one such shellhead has gone the extra mile to go beyond the limits of this culinary masterpiece. Scott Rivera – owner of Scottie’s Pizza Parlor in Portland, Oregon – has officially created a 101 cheese pizza.

Whether or not this dish becomes a fixture at his restaurant, he has invited the Guinness Book of World Records to confirm if this may in fact be a record setting pie. As far as we know, this will in fact set the record for most cheeses used on one pizza. Although many people probably thought it was just a fantasy that would never be possible, it’s nice to know that at least one person saw the creative cuisine in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) and was inspired to make it a reality.

Of course, Rivera wasn’t the first chef to attempt such a feat. Australian pizza maker Johnny di Francesco had previously achieved a pie with 99 different cheeses, successfully crafting the mythic creation from this TMNT movie. It wasn’t until just recently that Scott went a step further and added one extra cheese as a topping and one in the crust. That’s right, in addition to making this vision a fact, he also made the gourmet cuisine a stuffed crust pizza. I don’t know about you, but I would love to grab a slice of this amazing dish!

If you want to grab some of this 101 cheese pizza, you may need to make your way to Portland, Oregon and head on down to Scottie’s Pizza Parlor. They’re currently selling t-shirts to go along with the potential record setting pie. Now that someone has gone the extra mile to make the Centouno Formaggio, only one question remains: Will we someday see a slice with even more cheese than this? Thanks to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the world of pizza may forever be altered, and the possibilities may in fact be endless.

Are you interested in picking up a slice of this 101 cheese pizza? Should the Centouno Formaggio set the world record? Share your thoughts either in the comments below or on Facebook/Twitter.

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NUMBER ONE TMNT FAN April 25, 2017 - 7:39 am


NUMBER ONE TMNT FAN April 25, 2017 - 3:32 pm

Do you guys have an idea on when the contest awards and winners post will be up?

Spyda-Man April 25, 2017 - 6:25 pm

Want some of that!

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