It’s been about a year since we first discovered that there were plans for a TMNT cookbook. With the release date just a few months away, both excitement and anticipation has been brewing. Unfortunately, there was no way of knowing whether or not this book full of recipes would include the kind of pizza toppings that shellheads have become accustomed to over the years. We had our suspicions that they might throw in at least a few odd ideas, and it looks like that is definitely the case.
Recently, the official Amazon page for this product was updated with a few new recipes from within the TMNT pizza cookbook. We’ve already seen at least one of these before, but two of them appear to be totally new and pretty darn strange. The first interesting recipe is for a Deep-Dish Goulash pizza which is no doubt loaded with carbs. Regardless of that one little flaw, something tells be there will be at least a few brave souls who are willing to give this pie a shot.
The second oddly delicious looking pizza is called the Breakfast Pie. This recipe calls for bacon and eggs, and it sounds absolutely amazing. One look at that picture will convince anyone that pizza can indeed be a breakfast food. The other two recipes on display here are your standard fare of New York-Style Pepperoni and The Sewer Surfer (otherwise known as a Hawaiian pizza). At this point, it’s clear that they intend to include at least a few normal recipes, but there are also some appropriately irregular pizzas on display as well.
Unfortunately, there’s only one way to find out everything they have included in this awesome TMNT pizza cookbook – and that’s to buy the book when it is released on May 9th!
IM HUNGRY NOW. I would love to get this book!
Looking forward to getting my hands on this book!
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