Home NewsVideo Game News TMNT Out of the Shadows released

TMNT Out of the Shadows released

by Zach Gasior

Calling all avid gamers and TMNT fans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows has NOW BEEN RELEASED. Red Fly Studios and Activision have truly out done themselves with the short time frame they had to work with. TMNT Out of the Shadows is a multi-player co-op game that allows you to switch between Ninja Turtles during game play. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo all bear their own strengths.

A new game trailer has been released and we now understand April O’Neil has been kidnapped and Shredder’s General in command Karai is a serious threat to the turtles. Not to mention Baxter Stockman has built a three headed super Mouser. Check out the new trailer, download the game on XBOX live, and prepare for the battle of a lifetime again the mighty Shredder. Are you ready to give em shell?

Playstation Network will have the game September 24, 2013.


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synapticflow September 10, 2013 - 12:01 pm

This game is fun but has terrible TERRIBLE glitches. I have seen nothing to suggest the maker and publisher has any concern about making this right.

koye October 4, 2013 - 1:45 pm

i havent played this game but i love the turtles so hoping it is AWESOME!!!!!

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