Home NewsMovie News TMNT 2 Villains On Set, Including Bebop and Rocksteady (Photos)

TMNT 2 Villains On Set, Including Bebop and Rocksteady (Photos)

by Justin W

The streets of New York City are filled with evil villains on the set of TMNT 2!

SPOILER ALERT: Here’s your first glimpse at the clumsy, but, brilliantly powerful Bebop and Rocksteady on set of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 slated for release in the Summer of 2016.    The two have been spotted in a New York City bar, but they haven’t been mutated yet.

Actors Gary Anthony Williams (Bebop) and Stephan Farrelly (Rocksteady) fill the roles pre-transformation.  It seems, from these photos, that the duo won’t have much in the way of a wardrobe change after their mutations.

It’s nice to see that we’ll most likely be seeing Brian Tee in the new Turtles film as the Shredder, but in some live-action shots as well.  The previous Turtles film barely featured images of Shredder without his full body armor on.  Everyone appreciates a good villain, and seeing Master Shredder actually fight will be a sight for our sore eyes!

There are lots of martial artists on the new Turtles film set and things are really getting heated.   What do you think of the images?  Tell us below?


Today’s scenes were shot with:

  • Shredder (Brian Tee)
  • Bebop (Gary Anthony Williams)
  • Rocksteady (Stephen Farrelly aka “Sheamus on the WWE)
  • Karai (Brittany Ishibashi)
  • Foot-Clan Soliders

Shredder TMNT 2
Karai TMNT 2
Bebop TMNT 2

TMNT 2 Sheamus Rocksteady
Bebop and Rocksteady TMNT 2

Shredder 3 TMNT 2Shredder 2 TMNT 2

Ninja Turtles actors on set TMNT 2

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Richie Ross May 28, 2015 - 10:18 pm

Why in the hell are bepop and rocksteady freaking human.
It’s a damn wort hog and a flipping rhino if your going to make a movie get them right

John F. Rowland III May 28, 2015 - 10:24 pm

Your an idiot obviously if you are atrue fan of tmnt they were human before they were mutated. Get your head straight and watch it again

Clyde Murray May 28, 2015 - 10:25 pm

dude, watch the old cartoons, this is how they started until they were transformed by shredder and krang, smh.

Christopher Hatchett May 28, 2015 - 10:41 pm

Look another fan who saw 6 episodes of the cartoon 25 years ago and doesn’t know anything about anything

Torian May 28, 2015 - 11:22 pm

I’m sure Shredder will mutant them.

Matty Dubbz May 29, 2015 - 12:37 am

you should learn your facts before you make a donkey brains comment like this, they actually were both humans to begin with going off the original cartoons so my guess is that they will mutate at some point in the movie….

Barry D. Bach May 29, 2015 - 12:50 am

If you watched the original cartoon then you would know that Bebop and Rock Steady were originally human until Shredder and Krang exposed them to mutagen and turned them into the warthog and rhino that you know 😛

Rob_Raccoon May 29, 2015 - 3:36 am

You are a dumb whiny kiddo. Bepop and rocksteady were human before they were mutated in a hog and a rhino. Maybe.the film will show their mutation. They already showed artworks of their mutated forms. Get your informations right before fucking around you prick.

Terrell 'Turtle' Hannah May 29, 2015 - 3:39 am

Congratulations on becoming the joke of this thread with that comment Richie.

Captain Bringdown May 29, 2015 - 10:56 am

because they started off as humans…dumbass, do your homework before you troll

TS May 31, 2015 - 12:14 pm

My thoughts exactly! I also heard Baxter will be in the movie too. I wonder if they will make him “just human” too. I was not impressed with this first movie either.Way to ruin our childhood.

newsball May 28, 2015 - 11:27 pm

and it seems there trying to get everything in that they wanted in the first movie, as the director even admitted he wanted all these characters in, but with the exception of karai, none of these charcters had appeared on the newest incarnation until this season, although sterenko and zeck were in the legend of the kuro kubato, it was as there human selves

Billy Bob Throrton May 29, 2015 - 7:18 pm

the director got fired. This is a different one. If you read the leaked script Bebop and Rocksteady would have been in the last one as much as robot Shredder,and they were already mutated.

Just the fact they are in human form means we get more Bebop and Rocksteady than they ever planned for that movie.

Alan Wahl May 31, 2015 - 7:41 am

The director of the first TMNTmovie got fired and is now being punished by having to direct Transformers 5: More Things to Blow Up and Make Fans Cry in Their Sleep.

TigerClaw305 May 29, 2015 - 12:21 pm

I spotted 2 Easter Eggs on the set of TMNT 2, April is seen wearing a fake ID badge, that says Renet Tilley.

The other Easter Egg I found, Was on a case, That Casey Jones and April were carrying around, On it says the word, Rockwell.

Fans will know who Renet Tilley and Rockwell are. 🙂

tvmoviestuff May 29, 2015 - 3:42 pm

Wow great find dude! This is probably teeing up for a third film dealing with Kraang.

Billy Bob Throrton May 29, 2015 - 7:28 pm

Thanks,TC,that’s a great catch!

I wonder if that means Renet exists and will be in a Turtles in Time movie,or it’s like Thor’s Donald Blake nametag and she’ll never be seen.

Billy Bob Throrton May 29, 2015 - 7:24 pm

Anybody realize Michael Bay’s Bebop and Rocksteady are better than the Nick version?

No uninspired russian accent,no names they never had,no uninspired Tron suit,this is awesome.Just 2 dumb@sses failing at (thug) life.

Black Lex May 30, 2015 - 4:48 pm

Actual Asian actors casted in roles meant for Asians…WOW! This is the stuff of legend. I’m impressed.

Ramon Red Line Alvarado May 30, 2015 - 5:05 pm

He need the glasses its a must….

Paul celmer February 29, 2016 - 10:42 pm

Nice igaaks on bebop!

Ramon Red Line Alvarado May 30, 2015 - 5:06 pm


NUMBER ONE TMNT FAN June 2, 2015 - 8:30 pm


Kairotello June 16, 2015 - 11:06 pm

The guy who is playing rocksteady better have a British accent!

TheIntuition September 20, 2015 - 10:31 pm

He’s Irish. He has an Irish accent. He may be able to pull off British. He travels alot, so… But then again, TMNT is in NY, with American English, not British accents.

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