Remember the good old days of TMNT video games? Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, the turtles were a hot commodity in the arcades and on home consoles. Not only did these games feature our favorite shellraising characters, but they were also pretty darn good, usually featuring excellent controls. Some fans still play these games today, with recent iterations of both the original Arcade game and Turtles in Time being released for the Xbox 360 and PS3. However, with the recent success of Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, both new and old fans alike have been clamoring for some new titles to add to their collection. Thankfully, it would appear that Activision has heard their call.
Nickelodeon and Activision Blizzard recently announced a new multi-year deal which ensures that the well known game publisher will be making new, original TMNT games for years to come. So far, they have let it slip that there are at least three games planned already, but there aren’t many other details than that. These games will be focused on Nickelodeon’s latest interpretation of the gang, and the first title is actually slated for release sometime this summer. Sadly, there’s no news yet on which platforms this first title will be available for, but we’ll keep our eyes and ears open as it gets closer to E3!
With so many excellent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle games already in existence, it will no doubt be difficult for even Activision to live up to this legacy. Ubisoft tried their best with the franchise when they took over the publishing rights in 2007, but ultimately produced some rather lackluster titles along with a repackaging of one of the classics, simply dubbed “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled.” It was nice to see a return of this excellent turtle title from the past, but I can’t wait to see what Activision Blizzard does with the franchise from here on out. Considering they’ve got a whole new series to work with, I can’t be the only one expecting big things.
What do you think? Do you think they’ll be able to live up to the promise of this latest burst on Ninja Turtles popularity? Or will they go the road of Ubisoft and ultimately leave most fans disappointed? Whatever happens, at least we’ll still have all of our classic games to fall back on. Check out this list of our Top Five Songs From TMNT Video Games and let us know what your favorite titles are in the comments below!
I don’t know about the games, but if any of the games look like that picture, I will be camping out at my local Gamestop!
The video game is based off the current Nickelodeon series so hopefully they add many great pictures to a great story!
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