Home NewsVideo Game News TMNT Out of The Shadows Raphael Trailer Released

TMNT Out of The Shadows Raphael Trailer Released

by Justin W

A new trailer has been released for the upcoming summer game TMNT: Out of the Shadows. This new trailer features Raphael solely just as the previous Michelangelo version. Activision’s marketing campaign is making waves with these character themed trailers.

Raphael is the shortest of the group but recognized to be the strongest, his temper makes his hits memorable. His fighting style seems to be a mix of muay thai mixed with MMA moves, using his knees and body slams for impact hits. If you observe closely, you can see Raphael fighting Purple Dragons and Foot Clan, leaving all opponents watching stars. Not sure what it means yet but you can see White Foot Clan members.

So who’s next? Donatello? That’s what we can expect for now. Tell us your thoughts on this brand new Raphael trailer.

Raphael TMNT Out of the Shadows

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Russell Jeavons May 14, 2013 - 5:28 pm

The game looks good, just not a big fan of the way the turtles faces are looking. just hope the designs will not look like this in the new movie!

admin May 15, 2013 - 1:41 pm

Totally agree with you dude!

Charlene May 14, 2013 - 10:48 pm

Awesome! Can’t wait!

admin May 15, 2013 - 1:46 pm

Which character would you start playing with first?

Timothy June 15, 2013 - 1:46 pm

I love the overall look of the turtles and the game play looks like it is going to be amazing! I hope the game has a team mode that enables me to switch between all four of the turtles on the fly! im also hoping that I can play as master splinter at some point during the game.

admin June 17, 2013 - 9:32 am

Playing as Master Splinter would be phenomenal Tim!

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