Recently, Mega Bloks released their latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sets, proving that they are still a competitor in the market of building block toys. Some fans have even said that these TMNT Mega Bloks sets are of a higher quality than those released by LEGO, which is actually an accurate statement even from an objective point of view. Unlike the LEGO TMNT sets, Mega Bloks gave the turtles die cast shells and several different points of articulation. You can actually pose their TMNT figures to make it look like they are fighting off a group of enemies, which is perfect for both play and display purposes.
Don’t believe me? Well, check out The Black Nerd’s recent review. He’s one of our favorite Ninja Turtles fans, and he makes several excellent points about these TMNT Mega Bloks sets in the following video.
Needless to say, Andre appears to absolutely love these TMNT toys. Oh, and he seriously nails the Krang impersonation, doesn’t he? Suffice it to say that these might even be some of the coolest Mega Bloks that have ever been made. We’ve discussed them before, but now that we can see them in action, it’s difficult to be skeptical about their build quality. I don’t know about you, but those TMNT Mega Bloks look pretty well crafted to me. Of course, that won’t stop some fans from crying foul about certain products in this line, and some of them might actually have a point.
Check out this review from JC’s Toy Vlog. While showing off some of the TMNT Mega Bloks sets, he also decides to rip into a few blind bags to see what he gets. Unfortunately, the results end up serving as a reminder of the potential folly of buying into the blind bag hype. I won’t give away the ending of this video, but let’s just say that there were duplicates aplenty. Some of these TMNT Mega Bloks blind bag figures are actually pretty cool, featuring special face masks and accessories that you might not find elsewhere. However, the mere fact that you might have to buy a bunch of blind bags just to get the figures and accessories you want might be enough to keep some fans from buying the TMNT Mega Bloks sets in this fashion.
These building block toy sets might not be the best you’ll ever find, but they do make some clear improvements over the TMNT LEGO sets that came out a few years ago. While we can’t recommend spending a lot of money on the blind bags, it would appear that the current TMNT Mega Bloks sets available in stores are actually pretty cool. The fans seem to be enjoying them, and we’re happy to see a company doing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys based on both the new Nickelodeon series and the original 1987 animated series.