Given what has taken place over the last few weeks in regards to pictures that reveal details about the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, we’re not quite sure how long these photos will stay up, but it just wouldn’t feel right to leave our fans out of the loop. Roughly a week ago, we brought you some vital details about Michael Bay’s new TMNT film which were revealed when Lego unveiled their latest Ninja Turtles sets. Sadly, at that time they were not allowing photographs to be taken of the sets, which meant that we had to rely on what we were hearing from those in attendance. Well, now we can rely upon our own eyes, as someone was lucky enough to get a shot of the three contentious new TMNT Lego sets!
Upon further inspection, it is interesting to note that the largest set is called the “Turtle Lair Invasion,” indicating that the underground lair of our beloved heroes in a half shell may be invaded at some point during the film. As you would expect from Lego, each of these sets looks absolutely fantastic. Perhaps one of the most interesting sets on display is the “Turtle Van Takedown,” which reveals a different design for the Turtle Van that is very much like the one we revealed several months ago from on set. As for the third set, the “Big Rig Snow Getaway,” I think it’s fair to say that few of us really expected anything with Snow or Big Rigs! It would appear that the Truck in this Lego set opens up to reveal some kind of hidden lair, which is pretty darn cool. As promised, it looks as though Karai is sitting in the pickup truck alongside the Big Rig.
Regardless of how the movie turns out, these TMNT Lego sets look downright awesome. Including Lego characters we haven’t yet seen, such as Karai and Splinter, these are surely going to be must haves for the die hard fans. With each set priced at under $100, I’m sure these will be flying off store shelves when they are finally released. That being said, we don’t really know when they are going to be released and we don’t know if the box designs are going to look exactly like this. After all, these boxes include the original “Ninja Turtles” logo that we’ve been told has since changed back to “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” Considering that we still have yet to see a trailer or any other official information such as a website, posters or legitimate photographs from the film, these leaked images of TMNT Lego sets only continue to speak volumes about just how badly Paramount and Platinum Dunes seem to be dropping the ball right now.
Just last week, official posters, trailers and behind-the-scenes featurettes were released for Guardians of the Galaxy, the main competition for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Set to release a mere week before the TMNT movie, GotG is Marvel’s answer to The Avengers, which set records and earned over 1.5 billion worldwide. Given that this Ninja Turtles movie is supposed to stand its ground against one of the biggest movies of 2014, you would expect the studios to have released something related to the film by now, but instead fans must continue to clamor for secrets revealed via toys and costumes. Whatever the issue may be, let’s just hope that Paramount and Platinum Dunes both get it together and start advertising this movie the way it needs to be advertised. Until we get a trailer, we’ll just have to be happy with leaked photos such as these. Hey, at least we know that we’ve got some pretty cool toys to look forward to, right?
1 comment
As a hardcore, forever TMNT fan, my expectations for this movie have dwindled to the point of, “Who gives a shit?” So many horrific ideas and imaginings have been discussed (some, it seems, may not have been implemented) that this whole movie may end up being a Battleship, the kind of thing you saw, but your brain convinces you that you didn’t, so when people say, “Hey, was that any good?” you say, “I don’t know, it looks like crap.” because you are in a state of denial over ever seeing it in the first place.
It started with alien turtles (thank god that was scrapped), Megan Fox as April, a white guy as Shredder, Whoopie Goldberg as…oh who gives a fuck…why the hell is Whoopie Goldberg in a goddamn Ninja Turtles movie?!? Six foot turtles with grotesque muscles, a Jersey Shore Michelangelo and a little person playing Splinter (nothing against Woodburn, he’s awesome, but…no)…fuck you all. Thank god the new cartoon seems to be doing the legacy justice.
If Casey Jones is cast with Vin Diesel I’m going to lose my shit, I swear to god.
All that said…Guardians of the Galaxy looks fucking amazing. Hurray for silver linings!
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