With The Return of our TMNT to Theater this August, Get ready To Shell-a-brate Junkfood Style!
With Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem only months away, the film’s secrecy is now a shattered TGRI canister and all the oozey goodness is glowing all over the proverbial sewer floor. Trailers, toys, apparel, promotions and tie ins are floating to the surface like turtle shells after a fight with The Super Shredder. But we have the scoop on some of the digestible (mostly) merchandise that could be hitting your nearest grocery store and even movie theater!

Target has delivered the goods in the form of “Turtle Power” gummy pizza. And if the small bite size gummy “personal pans” weren’t enough, they also have a larger gummy pizza offered. I’m not sure if I’d recommend any ninjutsu after downing a couple of these but they sure look colorful and radical.

If you’re not rushing towards becoming a diabetic just yet, Instagram junkfood savant Markie_devo unveiled the brand Cakebites is set to release some TMNT themed (flavored?!) snack cakes. The flavors (so far) include a Raphael heavy “Cowabunga Chocolate” as well as an interestingly enticing “Half-Shell Lemonade” flavor. The Cakebites brand could usually be found in the snack cake aisle of any major grocery store, but if you want this in your stomach ASAP, hit their website to find the closest retailer near you.

If all the sugar is putting you off, we have a more savory snack found in Peatos, which are a cheese-less alternative to traditional cheesy puffs. No “pizza” flavor it seems, as the bags are just adorned with our newest iteration of our beloved Heroes in a Halfshell. Currently, the Sam’s Club website has these listed for sale, though I’m sure the TMNT themed bag will be available wherever these snacks are normally sold.

The raddest snacks so far, won’t be found in your local grocery store…but instead the local movie theater. Recently, a Reddit user known as u/WorthCampaign5860 posted images of new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem-themed movie theater concession products which include popcorn bags, cups, and cup toppers, all featuring our iconic turtles brothers! Not much is known about the sewer scoop (such as the who and where) although it could be safe to assume that this may be an AMC promotion as they regularly roll these types of tie-in out into their theater.
Have a tummy ache yet?! What future TMNT Mutant Mayhem tie-ins would you like to see? Pizza promotion? Soda flavors? The return of pudding pies?! Comment below or on social media and let us know, dudes and dudettes!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:Mutant Mayhem hits theaters August 4th 2023.