There is no shortage of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collectibles out there. With even with all the figures and toys being released, it’s always refreshing to have something more upscale. Enter the Iron Studios TMNT Statue series.
The 1/10th scale Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series from Iron Studios has definitely stepped up with something suitable for “grown up” collectors, without completely destroying your wallet.
Each statue features a turtle on a detailed sewer pipe display. There are several details showcased in each that make it so each statue could be viewed at any angle. Even at such a small scale, Iron Studios managed to pack in enough keep each statue fresh. Destroyed mousers, pizza boxes, and anti-Foot logos fit each brother, adding more personality to each dynamic pose.
The colors on each statue really pop. The designs are based more from a realistic and gritty point, rather that the animated versions we might be used to. Each one is really heavy. I love how sturdy they feel, but at the same time, I’m nervous to put these in my case. They’re so heavy, I’m afraid they’d break the glass! I love the poses as well. The way the bandanas float almost looks like the turtles are falling into an action pose.
My only critique is a strange detail I notice on the front shell. There are black paint splotches going right up the center of each. One a series where the rest of the paint is really well done and meticulously detailed, it really stands out. So much so that it almost feels like an error. When I got the first package I thought it might have been a defect, but as I opened each statue I realized that this would happen on each one. I have the rest of the series on Preorder from Sideshow Collectibles, so we’ll see if that continues through the other characters. Clearly it wasn’t a big enough issue to cancel my preorders!
Overall, I definitely love these statues from Iron Studios. It’s a great addition for adult collectors.
I got the Color versions, but a black, gray, and red version is also up on the Iron Studios Website! I have a little bit of buyers remorse getting the color over the black, gray, red version, but again- I still love these.
What do you think of these? Will you be picking up any of these? If so- are you getting the entire set or just 1 character? Do you prefer these or something more for a younger audience? Let us know in the comments!