Home ReviewsComic Books COMIC REVIEW: TMNT #113


by Chris M. P.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – #113

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #113

Story by Sophie Campbell 

Art by Sophie Campbell & Ronda Pattinson (colors)

Published by IDW 

Released January 20th, 2021

Karai searches for two new powerful mutants who could tip the balance of power in New York City. Meanwhile a familiar character from the future arrives with a most unusual quest! Don’t miss the start of an exciting new story arc as Sophie Campbell returns to interior art!

It’s the first TMNT comic issue of a new year! But is it a step in the right direction?

2020 has been an interesting year within TMNT comics. The issues have had a feeling of gestation after issue 100. It can be refreshing to have your story breath and have solitude. But, in my opinion, there’s certainly been a lack of “going on”. The idea of a “time traveling” character was teased as well as the appearance of Tokka and Razar. But that was several issues ago and have yet to be mentioned again. I’ve enjoyed the slice-of-life tales as well as exploring the troubles of Mutant Town’s citizens. But this fandom’s foundation is centered around The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themselves. This isn’t the Jennika show. She has her own title now. I want the Turtles back. 

Issue #113 throws a lot at you and quick. Time traveling. Tokka and Rahzar on the loose. A look twelve years into the future. A lot of exposition that leaves more questions. This issue gives the current pace of IDW’s main TMNT series a shot of adrenaline its needed, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a step in the right direction. Campbell’s writing has given us a lot of unnecessary romance, lack of action, and the Turtles almost behave as a backdrop in their own book. Things have been feeling more like a teen’s furry fanfiction for a while now and less like a Ninja Turtles adventure. 

The idea of Lita time traveling back to correct the path is interesting (especially since the TMNT have seen stranger things) but, once again, it apparently centers around Jennika and the idea of her starting a band.

And I don’t think it’s the Wyld Stallions this time.

I know you’re scary monsters and all but Y Ya’ll so cute tho?

It’s a heavy issue that also delves in Michaelangelo’s radio show, the strive for a “Mutant Election”, and the idea of Old Hobb perhaps not being as soulless as we always think. But all that is overshadowed by the daunting look into the dark future of the TMNT. As stated previously, it throws a lot at you quick. Cyborg Donatello, Crime Boss Jennika, and Journalist Mikey are just a few examples of the glimpse we get in TMNT 2032. But is it going to matter? It’s time traveling in comics. Does it ever? I’m hoping not all is revealed and there’s still some mystery Lita could reveal moving forward, though she does seem like a pretty transparent character. 

Campbell’s artwork is stellar and bold in this issue. Pattinson’s classic color palette also adds positively to the issue. TMNT #113 is nice to look at from Campbell’s crisp character design to the environmental moods Pattinson’s colors bring. It’s a confident looking book. 

In conclusion, I don’t mind the direction of where we’re heading. I always enjoy getting a glimpse of the future within the Turtles lore. And I’m glad the story is finally moving along in general. Overall we’re being given a solid story in general. There’s a lot of fluff, lack of excitement, and unnecessary stalling that keeps me from  wanting to read it first and foremost every month. 

Jennika and Her Ninja Friends #113  moves the story along, but needs to do more than that to keep this Ninja Turtle fan excited for future issues. 

Also: I think Karai is also just a giant thorn in the side and should be killed. She’s always being forgiven and continuing to do evil things. Enough’s enough already. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #113  is now available wherever comics are sold! 

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