James Edwards, a young boy who turns two-years-old next month, is currently fighting for his life. Little James Edwards is obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
It was on Friday May 30th, 2014 that James was involved in a near drowning accident. Currently in critical condition, James is being cared for at the Chris Evert Children's Hospital in Ft. Lauderale, Florida.
James' family has created a Facebook page to inform loved ones and those familiar with James and his love for all things TMNT. The Facebook page is called "Turtle Power for James Edwards". Many have visited the page to date to show their support for young James Edwards, and we're asking readers of TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles.com to do the same.
Stop over to James Facebook page and send him support and prayers.
Oh man hope the little turtle dude pulls through. Definitely gonna be praying for him.
Thank you @RedRocBoy :disqus! Bless your heart dude.
god bless that poor kid turtle power for james edwards
aww thats so nice of nickelodeon to do such a nice thing am i right guys poor kid im going to ask my dad to show our support when he gets home turtle power for james edword god bless you kid
!!!PRAY FOR JAMES EDWARDS !!!!! sorry im just so sorry for this little kid i cant state it enough. he will be in our prayers. turtle power for james edwards im a huge fan as well so huge i literally jinxed with leo 3 times in one episode today (i said the exact thing as he did acedently 3 times in one episode) in case you dont understand whitch kind of jinxed im talking about …. crazy right god touch james edwards poor kid bless him
my moms comment…i am praying for little james to pull through he is in gods hands god bless you little one
wow i hope hte little guy is okay hope god is watching over him keeping him safe
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