Home Blog Fourth live-action TMNT movie was in the works

Fourth live-action TMNT movie was in the works

by Justin W

The last live action TMNT movie left many fans disappointed, but recently it was revealed that the fourth movie was in the works. Heritage Auctions revealed artwork made by TMNT co-creat0r Kevin Eastman. The movie was to be called “TMNT: The Next Mutation.”

TMNT Kirby

A new turtle was to be introduced named Kirby. Eastman had many ideas on how he should look. Kirby was going to wield swords, and many other changes were made to fan favorite characters.  All of the characters themselves looked to be from a post-apocalyptic world.

April O’Neil was labeled as evil in Eastman’s notes and was wearing a revealing outfit. She also carried a sword which would suggest that she was now trained, possibly by Splinter. Kasey was given a unique look. He wields a gun, which is somewhat unfitting since he recently discovered a love for the game of golf in the first movie. He had a look similar to Bishop or Cable in the X-men franchise.

The Foot Clan was to get a total makeover. Instead of fighting the Turtles with martial arts, they would use guns. This makes sense, after countless battles of them losing to the Turtles. Other characters included Talbot and Lawson. Lawson may be a tribute to comic book artist Jim Lawson and Talbot may be a tribute to Eric Talbot. The drawing designs only have names on them, which may just be a design that Eastman asked each of them to do for an unnamed character.

Shredder’s design was one without a mask. He still had an extended blade, but in one of the designs he almost looked like a character from the movie Braveheart. Bugman was going to be introduced in this installment of the series. A new character named Nanospyder who looks like a rejected transformer villain was to be introduced.

Eastman threw a lot of ideas, but in the end it did not make it. The artwork was an early design and the script was by Christian Ford and Roger Soffer.  These ideas may have worked in a reboot, but the third film ruined hopes of a forth one.




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Beauch24 December 30, 2012 - 4:05 am

that would have been awesome if they made this movie. i know almost everyone else seems to think it sounds like the worst idea ever, but i just love the turtles to much.

admin December 31, 2012 - 2:31 pm

You and so many would love to see this film. All TMNT movies are gnarly.

Gracie December 30, 2012 - 1:46 am

OH MY SHELL !!!!! A NEW TURTLE ! I SO CANT WAIT ! Every thing about the old Ninja Turtles is ….well fifferent.Not just the story but the characters too.But im still so happy to know three things. The first a new turtle.The second a new TMNT movie.And the third that Kevin is working so hard on this so Kevin if you read this thank you 🙂

admin December 31, 2012 - 2:32 pm

Well said Gracie!!!

Gracie December 30, 2012 - 11:28 pm

ANOTHER TURTLE !!!! THAT IS SO EPIC !! I so cant wait to see him on the big screen! He looks so cool looking and i wounder if the other turtles look like him since its a different kind of movie than the other movies but I believe in Kevin Eastman and I know that he well do a great job.:)

admin December 31, 2012 - 2:28 pm

The film had been cancelled so we will never see this new Ninja Turtle. At best, the earliest we could see something would be in a comic book.

Gracie December 31, 2012 - 6:00 pm

Well at least we will get a chance to see something but I really with all my heart and I would kill for is to see Kirby.

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